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I did the top left part of our girl. I really didn’t like this project because I kept messing up. It didn’t really turn out the way I wanted it to so it started to frusterate me really bad.

Add a comment June 3, 2009

planes, trains, or auto moblies

My Mitsubishi Lancer Evo.

Add a comment April 22, 2009

My Spray Paint Stencil

Mt teacher said we had to do something psychedelic. For some odd reason I chose to do a girl that had GIGGLEZ in graffiti to look like if she just got done tagging a wall. The first thing i had to do is sketch my drawing on a thick piece of paper. Second, I had to sand a cabnet door that wasn’t in use anymore. Then I had to gesso the wood and let it dry. The ext day I took a variety of paint colors, a paint brush and splattered paint for my background. After that I had to tape my stencil to the board, so i could spray paint it on there. Last I had to out line my girl in silver so she would stand out more. Now I’m done! Here is my finished Spray Paint Stencil….

Spray Paint Sketch

Add a comment April 10, 2009

Print Making Sketch


This is my sketch for print making this week or until I’m finished with it!!!! lol.

Add a comment March 13, 2009

spray paint sketch

In print making we are doing a stencil print. Mine is of a girl that has spray paint in her both of her hands and on the ground with a a star and Gigglez in the back ground as if she spray painted it.  I would have a picture but it didn’t scan that well! I’ll draw hard so I can put a picture up!!!!

Add a comment March 13, 2009

David Friedrich

David Friedrich.

I like this artist because he does a variety of oil paintings.  One of his oil paintings that i like is called “Tree of Crows”.  Tree of Crows is a painting that I can look at and actually picture myself  in that spot where he was at and just looking at the sun set and watching the crows just fly off to go to their nest.  I like how he is so detailed in this oil painting, because all the branches to the tree, all the little ones coming off of the bigger ones is just crazy. Also, on the bottom of the painting there are broken or dead logs, and you can wonder if its from different trees and ask yourself if the logs are from a fire and that’s why they are lying there. I like landscape paintings or drawings because you can just wonder off in the painting. Here is the the website you can find Davids paintings…..



“Trees of Crows”


Add a comment March 4, 2009






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